Saturday, March 19, 2011



Just like Peoples Temple led by James Warren Jones as far as I know there were two more groups that are close to the events that took place on November 18, 1978.

One is Heaven's Gate , an American UFO cult based in San Diego, California, founded and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1928–1985).

Heaven's Gate members believed that the planet Earth was about to be recycled (wiped clean, renewed, refurbished and rejuvenated), and that the only chance to survive was to leave it immediately. While the group was formally against suicide, they defined "suicide" in their own context to mean "to turn against the Next Level when it is being offered," and believed that their "huma­­­­­n" bodies were only vessels meant to help them on their journey. In conversation, when referring to a person or a person's body, they routinely used the word "vehicle;" when shown a picture of his son in an interview, Rio Di Angelo commented, "Look, there's the little vehicle."

On March 26, 1997, in a period that Comet Hale-Bopp was at its brightest, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed suicide.

Another one is Solar Temple ,a secret society based upon the modern myth of the continuing existence of the Knights Templar.OTS was started by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret in 1984 in Geneva as l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire (OICTS) and renamed Ordre du Temple Solaire.

On October 1994 Tony Dutoit's infant son (Emmanuel Dutoit), aged three months, was killed at the group's centre in Morin Heights, Quebec.

Di Mambro ordered the murder, because he identified the baby as the Anti-Christ described in the Bible.

A few days later, Di Mambro and twelve followers performed a ritual Last Supper. A few days after that, apparent mass suicides and murders were conducted at two villages in Switzerland, and at Morin Heights — 15 inner circle members committed suicide with poison, 30 were killed by bullets or smothering, and 8 others were killed by other causes. Many of the bodies when found were drugged, possibly to prevent the members from objecting. The buildings were then set on fire by timer devices, purportedly as one last symbol of the group's purification.

But these other events are nowhere near to PEOPLES TEMPLE.

I wonder what kind of leader James Warren Jones would have become if he hadn't started doing drugs .



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